The Little Sweep
A műhelyvezető két karnagy egymással egyenlő arányban megosztva, egymást segítve tartják a műhelyt. Közösen alakítják ki a műsort és felváltva tanítják be, illetve vezénylik majd a műveket.
Műhelyvezető karnagy: Edle STRAY-PEDERSEN és Wilma ten WOLDE
Műhely hossza: 7+1 nap
Műhely kezdési időpontja: Július 25. Szombat
műhelyzáró koncert: Augusztus 01. Szombat
Kórus kategória: gyermekkórus
Énekesek kora: 12-18
Kíséret: zenekar
Crossover: Színpadi elemek
Rendező: Göttinger Pál (HU)
The two conductors leading this atelier will work in partnership: they will equally share the workshop, choosing, teaching and conducting half the repertoire each, and helping each other wherever possible and needed.
Experience stage work through an opera – join an experience not only as a young singer and choir member but also as a stage performer, even as an actor. We’ll be looking at Britten’s opera The Little Sweep. We’re going to work on this heartwarming music as well as explore techniques that show us that even an exacting genre as opera can be approached and put in to shape through stage improvisation and the tradition of community opera.
Join conductors Wilma ten WOLDE and Edle STRAY-PEDERSEN with theatre director Pál GÖTTINGER for a week of games, self-knowledge, acting and singing – and be part of a stage adaptation of the story of a poor boy who is given something he never had before: a night in a warm and welcoming family home.