Chuchotage—Separating Fact from Fancy: A Film Review from an Interpreter’s Perspective
How many hours have I spoken in these dark, tiny booths, hidden in the back of the room? I’m a man in the shadows. I’m not part of the protocol, yet here I am, interpreting politicians, tradesmen, lawyers. I’m the guardian of secrets. Countries and millions depend on me. I live by strict rules. Nothing ever puts me off. Except you.
I’ve never been so confidential with someone before. Except you...I see you’re listening to me. There are 70 people in that room, but you’re the only one hearing me. I flew over half of Europe, I got up at 4:00 a.m., landed in Prague at 7:00 a.m., and have been watching you since 9:00. Can’t take my eyes off you since then...I want to meet you. I want to see you. Up close. I want to hear your voice. For you I would step out of the shadows into the light.
—from a scene in the film Chuchotage
Read this review here.